1 Comment
Dec 2, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023

It's seems clear to me you would benefit massively from reading StrongTowns.org with your solid writing on all things urbanism.

They advocate for good town planning and show the true costs of suburban sprawl. Perhaps you can share a cautionary tale with them on what happened rezoning wise.

I'm sorry your town's almost trail blazing zoning code reform not only fell apart, but your town regressed and adopted even worse zoning.

I'm from Charlotte, NC and our rezoning process was a dumpster fire too barely getting across the finish line. It was subject to about as much hysteria. My observation is the country is in a new housing bubble and everyone is on edge. So every town trying to overhaul their codes are getting horrific pushback. Oversimplified; black NIMBYs are afraid of displacement. White NIMBYs are afraid of slightly poorer people moving next to them.

Combined, they make strange bedfellows and burn the process to the ground. They don't want more housing.

Brevard, NC redid their zoning code around 2012 and was pretty similiar to your changes. They did it though when housing prices were still declining. It was an orderly process, no one cared.

Good luck, it looks like Gainsville needs good leadership.

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